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Anglia Ruskin University in the Apiary Spring 2023

It was a bitterly cold March morning when 10 drama students from Anglia Ruskin University joined me at Meadowfield to acclimatize themselves with beekeeping.

A forthcoming production involved Ronald and Madeline, the former being a beekeeper. In order to look convincing they wanted to get a feel for the equipment and clothing involved and experience handling honeybees.

Unfortunately, the 'beekeeping experience' could not be experienced due to the weather. We did however look in an unpopulated hive, inspected wax and propolis, looked at dead bees and handled the eqipment neede for a hive inspection.

Hopefully Ronald won't look an absolute duffer on stage although how he is meant to earn a living from only four hives is beyond me.

Anyhow, they were all a friendly bunch, keen to learn what they could and they accepted an invitation to return and meet the bees, when the weather was more clement.
