This is the first March In the Apiary since 2017. This is the month when little happens apart from anticipation and making sure all the tools are ready.Two Asian Hornet traps have been cleaned up, recharged with home-pressed apple juice and hung, one beside the bee-shed and one in the apiary. These are the two pieces of equipment I hope will not get used.

The bee-shed hornet trap is hanging in the beautiful prunus domestica in full bloom. When the sun shines it positively hums all over with pollen foragers.

The bullace, prunus insititia, is also giving a lovely display this year but does not get as many visitors as the flight-path to this tree passes right over the p. domestica.

I have cleaned out my tool-box and checked that all the necessary equipment is there and is in good shape.
Three lovely days right at the end of the month was a real bonus. All the colonies were moved into nice clean hives. Clean floors and entrance blocks, scraped and scorched brood boxes with sanitised crown boards. The first time I’ve got all the spring cleaning done in March.
Hive 6 needed so many new frames that I have decided to do a Bailey Frame Change. This will take place tomorrow and you can see this In the Apiary April 2021.